10 Tips for Removing Common Household Stains


10 Tips for Removing Common Household Stains

By : Jessica Williams
Are you tired of staring at old stains on your carpets and furniture and want to get rid of them once and for all? It is common to get stains all over the house due to accidents, but you can clean up these messes using natural cleaning products and methods. Expert bond cleaners in Adelaide have recommended ten tips for removing common household stains, such as:

1. Coffee Stains

  • Coffee stains are one of the most common household stains you will find on your carpet.
  • You can easily clean this up by first blotting the area with a paper towel or sponge.
  • The idea is to make sure you spread the fabric so that the natural cleansing agent can clean the area more easily.
  • Scrubbing the area will make the stain more embedded in the fabric.
  • After blotting the area, spray one part of white vinegar with two parts of water and let it sit for five minutes before blotting it with a clean cloth.
  • Let the air dry and then vacuum it and repeat if needed.
  • You can also use club soda to clean the stains if you don’t have vinegar.

  • 2. Blood

    It is best to treat blood stains as soon as possible, making them easy to get out. You can treat blood stains by first blotting the area with a wet cloth. Next, dab some dish soap and water on the stains and scrub them with a toothbrush. If the stain is too deeply embedded, you can always use ½ cup of ammonia or ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide on the stain with water and scrub till the stain is gone. Bond cleaning experts in Adelaide recommended that you always wear gloves when handling blood and other bodily substances as these can be potentially infectious.

    3. Ink Stains

    For ink stains, you should use a hand sanitiser, which contains alcohol that can remove even permanent ink stains. Pour some hand sanitiser over the ink stain and let it sit for 15 minutes. Then wipe off the stain with a clean wet cloth and let it dry.

    4. Highlighter Marks

    You can get rid of highlighter marks and stains easily with the help of household cleaning substances like lemons. To get rid of these marks, cut a lemon in half and then squeeze the half on a cotton swab. Then, slowly wipe the highlighter mark with this cotton swab to remove the marks and stains.

    5. Paint Stains

    If you accidentally spill paint over your carpet, you don’t have to replace it. You can remove the paint stains with some denatured alcohol. Professional bond cleaners in Adeliade recommend that you dip a cloth in denatured alcohol and then wipe the paint stain. You can rinse and repeat this process til the stain comes off.

    6. Hard Water Stains

    Cleaning experts who offer cheap end of lease cleaning Adelaide even have solutions for hard water stains on your faucets. To get rid of these stains, mix one part of white vinegar with two parts of water and then spray this on your faucets. Next, sprinkle some baking soda on these faucets, wipe them clean with a cloth or sponge, and repeat.

    7. Glue Marks

    Dipping the area in warm soapy water can quickly remove glue marks. Then add a nail polish remover and dab the spot with it. This will loosen the glue, and you can easily scrape it off or brush it off with a toothbrush.

    8. Red Wine Stains

    One of the best ways to get rid of red wine stains is by pouring some white wine over them. If you don’t have any white wine or don’t want to use any white wine, you can use some white vinegar on the stains. Mix one part of white vinegar and water and spray it on the stain. Leave it on for fifteen minutes and then wipe it off with a clean cloth. Then dab the area with a wet cloth and repeat. Vacuum the area and then repeat if needed.

    9. Grease Stains

    To get rid of grease stains, professional bond cleaning experts in Adelaide recommend that you first blot the area with a paper towel or microfiber sponge. Then pour dishwashing soap on the area and scrub it with a toothbrush. You can then pour some vinegar on the area and wipe it off with a clean cloth. You can repeat the process if needed.

    10. Pet Stains

    If you have a cat or dog as a pet, you will find a few urine stains here and there. To get rid of the stain, dab the area with a paper towel and then sprinkle the area with baking soda. Next, spray the stain with diluted white vinegar and let the solution fizz and foam. Then wipe the area with a clean cloth and repeat if needed. You must dilute the vinegar with some water to eliminate the smell. This will also help to disinfect the area properly.


    Follow these ten helpful expert tips to eliminate household stains and keep your house clean and neat.