What Is A Good House Cleaning Routine?

Young woman holding a bucket full of chemical bottles and spray bottles

What Is A Good House Cleaning Routine?

By : Jessica Williams
Cleaning and sanitising your abode is a significant and necessary activity that should be performed regularly. It helps reduce pollutants in the house, improve indoor air quality, and prevent household members from falling sick repeatedly. It is also beneficial when you are a tenant who has to maintain the rental property’s integrity and return it in the same pristine condition it was in at the time of occupancy. You can hire professional end of lease cleaners in Adelaide at the end of the tenancy, but it is wise to sanitise the property every day. For cleaning your home daily, a routine is necessary, which is sustainable and helps make the tasks habits rather than chores. Here is your guide outlining what is a good house cleaning routine and what it should comprise. Have a look.

Things that Make a Cleaning Routine Good

Ever wondered why the professional end of lease cleaners in Adelaide get excellent results and you cannot? It is because their cleaning routines are outstanding and reliable. Here are some things that make cleaning routine effective and dependable.
  • A good routine helps streamline your cleaning activities in order of importance and urgency. Therefore, you are able to complete necessary chores without any stress, anxiety or hassle.
  • It helps you save time and energy. A good routine enables you to clean and sanitise your house effectively and efficiently preventing you from slogging for hours.
  • You remain motivated to clean the house when your routine is fun and exciting. A boring cleaning routine can put anyone off, which is already something most people avoid.
  • A good cleaning routine helps you avoid getting overwhelmed and stressed. It makes cleaning less time-consuming, challenging, and tiring.

What Does a Good Cleaning Routine Comprise?

If you are unaware about developing a good cleaning routine and what it should comprise, here is a complete checklist you can use to sanitise your home.
  • Sort through your house to get rid of trash and all the unwanted items. Dispose of packets, useless paper, wraps, and other garbage around the house to prevent clutter and germs. Next, declutter each room to discard, donate or resell items of no use that are hogging space in your house.
  • Dust all the surfaces and fixtures in the house, especially the kitchen, bathroom, and living room. While completing a task ensure you perform it in the entire house before moving on to another task. This technique helps professional end of lease cleaners in Adelaide complete work in time and get excellent results, which is why you should use it too.
  • Clean the kitchen regularly because a host of germs and pollutants are found in this room. Clean top to bottom, wiping storage units’ doors, countertops, slabs, the hob, and frequently used appliances. Also, wash the dishes after every meal and sanitise the sink at the end of the day.
  • Pay attention to the bathroom too. Wipe and disinfect the mirrors, shower glass, slabs, faucets, and other surfaces. Wash then disinfect the sink, toilet, toilet seat, and other fixtures.
  • Vacuum the carpets and frequently-used furniture like tables, chairs, couch, etc. These items can trap dust, dirt, allergens and other pollutants that cause the growth of illness-causing bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens.
  • Spot clean walls and wipe baseboards to remove dust, scuff marks, and spots. You can perform this activity every week or as per requirement.
  • Wash a load of laundry every day to avoid washing a considerable pile every week.
  • On weekends try to complete time-consuming tasks such as cleaning the oven, barbeque, refrigerator, garage, windows, etc. Don’t hesitate to seek the assistance of household members to get these strenuous tasks done in time.
  • Unclog and sanitise drains using boiling water, one cup baking soda and one cup white vinegar. Pour the water first followed by baking soda. Let the powder dwell for 20-30 minutes before pouring the vinegar and letting the ingredients fizzle. Wash the residues by pouring boiling water again in the drain. This process will not only unclog the drain but also deodorise it and slow down the growth of illness-causing bacteria.
  • Sweep and mop the floors daily as they get dirty throughout the day. Floors are also breeding grounds for various bacteria, viruses, mould spores, fungi, and other pathogens. Therefore, ensure physical debris are removed with a broom then the floors are sanitised using a microfiber mop saturated with a cleaning/disinfecting solution.
  • Once you have swept and mopped the floors, you can vacuum them too depending on the requirement.

The Bottom Line

Creating and following a good cleaning routine is crucial for proper household hygiene and developing sustainable cleaning habits. This guide will help you understand the importance of having a functional and practical cleaning routine. You can also refer to this guide for the checklist to clean and sanitise your house regularly without wasting time or energy.