6 Ways to Get Motivated to Clean the House

beautiful young woman wearing apron finding motivation to commence the task

6 Ways to Get Motivated to Clean the House

By : Jessica Williams

Cleaning your house can become a project when there is a lack of motivation. It is common to feel de-motivated to clean due to factors such as long working hours, stress, lack of knowledge or techniques, absence of proper supplies, etc. However, maintaining cleanliness is imperative for mental and physical well being. An unclean house can become a breed ground for germs and cause illness.

To avoid this, you can call bond cleaning experts in Andrews Farm every fortnight to deep clean your house, particularly the kitchen and bathroom(s). It is recommended, as these experts use green cleaning solutions and ensure no damage is incurred during the process of cleaning. Also, they know the right cleaning techniques, have modern equipment, and help you save time & money.

Besides hiring expert bond cleaners in Andrews Farm, you can have germ-free surroundings by regularly cleaning to avoid build-up of dust, dirt, stains, grime, and bad smell. And, to do so, here are six excellent ways to get motivated to clean your house.

1. Arrange Your Cleaning Supplies

Most people avoid cleaning due to the lack of cleaning supplies. You can eliminate this deterrent by visiting your nearest supermarket/general supply store and buy cleaning supplies in bulk, and they will last for months. Also, once you get the supplies, keep them in an organised manner. If your cleaning supplies are stored properly, you can access them with ease.

Additionally, purchase green cleaning products. You will feel good about using them because they are environment-friendly and using such products is motivating. Adopting green cleaning solutions is better for your house too, as chemical products are harsh and harmful in the long-run.

2. Start Small

The thought of cleaning a whole room can be daunting. Therefore, to motivate yourself, start small. It can be cleaning only one room at a time in your house. Also, set a timer for yourself. You can begin by cleaning for 10-20 minutes each day. If you are worried about cleaning and sanitising difficult places like the kitchen and bathroom, which have different types of bacteria, call in affordable bond cleaners in Andrews Farm.

3. Involve Your Family Members

Cleaning alone is no fun. If you are planning to clean your house, it needs to be a team effort. You can delegate one or two tasks to each family member, and it can become a group activity you do with them once in a while. Not only will this help you save time, but it can also be a great bonding opportunity.

4. Use Smart Cleaning Techniques

Be smart while cleaning. If you learn intelligent cleaning techniques, then dealing with any surface or place will not be difficult for you. Cleaning without proper technique can cause you to invest more time and energy than required, which can de-motivate you for next time. Here are some useful cleaning techniques to get more results and stay motivated.

  • Clean from top to bottom. This way, whatever surface or object you clean will remain spotless. Once you reach the bottom, you can scoop up the dirt/dust and avoid dirtying the cleaned place again.
  • To clean a room, move in a circular pattern. Pick a point to start and do a 360 degree. Clean each room or place in your house in this manner.
  • Avoid redoing areas that are already clean. Plus, avoid backtracking, as you can introduce new dirt/dust to the previously cleaned area.

5. Make Cleaning Fun With DIY Recipes

You can motivate yourself to clean by making DIY disinfectant recipes for sanitising your premise. Doing this is easy, as most of the ingredients to make bio-degradable cleaning solutions are in your house. You can make a mixture of water, white vinegar, baking soda, and castile soap to create a universal cleaning solution.

Also, you can use lemons, baking soda, and salt to clean grime & grease from any surface. To make your house smell fresh, you can create a fragrance jar with essential oils, 1 tbsp baking soda, and water.

6. Reward Yourself

Cleaning is an important task, and you deserve to get rewarded for keeping the house germ free. Creating an incentive plan will help you remain motivated for cleaning. The reward doesn’t have to be something big; it can be an indulgence. When you reward yourself, you train your brain to expect good things to come out of cleaning your house. Similarly, you can set rewards for your family members for contributing.


Don’t be too hard on yourself if you cannot prioritise cleaning task due to work, illness, or some other commitments. If you feel cleaning your house is hard because it’s too dirty, give yourself a fresh start. Take the help of professional bond cleaners in Andrews Farm. They specialise in offering services like bond cleaning, spring cleaning, carpet cleaning, oven & BBQ cleaning, and more. Hence, they can take care of cleaning any part of your house without breaking a sweat.