DIY Tips: How To Clean Your Leather Sofa

cropped picture of a person wiping a leather couch with a cloth

DIY Tips: How To Clean Your Leather Sofa

By : Jessica Williams
Good quality leather couch or sofa can make your abode look elegant and affluent. It is the perfect furniture that can add comfort and style to your living space. The only condition is to keep it clean and shiny all year round. Prevent your plush furniture from wine spills, food splatters, pet urine and other stains. For that, regular cleaning and maintenance are required using the best quality of products. If you encounter any stain or spill on your leather sofa, treat it as soon as possible. Today, we bring you the list of some helpful DIY tips that will keep your much-loved leather couch clean with ease. Book certified experts for detailed end-of-lease cleaning in Adelaide if you want to prepare your rented property for the final inspection. With their assistance, you can get your bond back without any dispute. For DIY leather sofa cleaning tips, keep on reading the article:

1. Stock up All the Necessary Materials

Do not forget to arrange all the necessary cleaning supplies if you are planning to remove dust, dirt and stains from your leather belongings on your own. Instead of using harmful chemicals or expensive products, use natural products that are safe and effective at the same time. Some of the tools and products you will need are:
  • Rubbing Alcohol
  • Dishwashing soap
  • Water
  • Cotton Swab
  • Microfiber cloth
  • White Vinegar
  • Olive Oil
  • A vacuum cleaner

2. Start With Vacuuming

Before treating stubborn stains, you should first vacuum clean your leather furniture to get rid of accumulated dust, dirt, grime, pollens, pet hair, allergens and other tiny contaminants. Use the proper attachment to get into the crevices and crannies of your furniture with ease. Make sure you vacuum it twice a week for better outcomes. It is good to regularly clean home if you have allergens and other dust mites to avoid the spread of diseases.

3. Use Soap And Water

Before trying any method to remove stains or applying the cleaning solution, make sure you run a small spot-test on the surface to see how it reacts to the leather. Choose a hidden area, apply the product and wait for a few minutes. If everything is fine, you can treat tough stains and grime. Dip a clean microfiber cloth in warm soapy water and wipe off the surface. You can either use dishwashing soap or saddle soaps that are designed for leather surfaces to get rid of stains like food spills, splatters, pet urine, etc. This is one of the easiest hacks that can make your furniture look as good as new again.

4. Rubbing Alcohol for Mould and Tough Stains

Remove tough stains like ink, mould and fungus from your beautiful leather couch just by using rubbing alcohol. Dab the product on a muslin cloth and wipe the affected area with your gentle hands. For stains like ink, dab using a paper towel to let it absorb the ink and then wipe the spot using a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol. Tip: Test the solution on a hidden area to check how it treats the leather surface.

5. White vinegar + Olive Oil

According to professional end of lease cleaners, it is good to use natural or eco-friendly cleaning products if you are sprucing up your house. It will keep the harmful chemicals at bay and show sparkling results without causing any damage to your precious possessions. Apply white vinegar directly to the dirty surface of your furniture and let it dry. Now, dip the cloth in olive oil and wipe off your furniture, and this will give extra shine to your leather. Do not forget to wipe with a clean cloth to get rid of vinegar and oil residue.

6. Use lemon Juice and Cornstarch

Try a homemade cleaning paste by adding 2 parts of cornstarch and 1 part of lemon juice to get rid of stains like food and blond. Apply it on the stained surface and scrub gently with an old toothbrush. Don’t scrub harsh, as it will ruin the leather of your furniture.

7. Try Gentle and Slow Pattern

Whether using white vinegar, soapy solution or rubbing alcohol, make sure you generously wipe the area. Instead of vigorously scrubbing the surface, make sure you massage the area and do it using a circular motion. A soft-bristled brush is also a great tool to scrub problematic areas with ease. Make sure you use a dry paper towel to wipe all excess product off the furniture.

8. Moisturise Your Leather Sofa Regularly

If you want to keep your sofa look prestigious for years, then moisturise it regularly using leather cream and serum. Make sure you apply it with a cloth to soften the surface. Always remember that less is more when applying any cleaning solution to the leather. Tip: You can buy any moisturising cream for your leather sofa from a supermarket. Read the label and instructions.


Revive the lustre of your most precious leather sofa with the help of the DIY cleaning tips mentioned above in the article. Use natural products that do not contain harmful chemicals and help you achieve sparkling clean outcomes. For the quality end of lease cleaning in Adelaide, hire the most renowned company that can help you get your bond back at the end of your tenancy.