Learn The Correct Order To Clean House


Learn The Correct Order To Clean House

By : Jessica Williams
Are you in cleaning mode and ready to clean your whole house? If you are unsure where to start and how to go about it, bond cleaning experts in Adelaide are ready to help you out. These experts know the correct order to clean your house and want to help you do it the right way. Here are some of the expert ways you can correctly clean your house:

1. Make A Plan

The most important thing before starting the cleaning process is to make a plan. Bond cleaning experts in Adelaide make a strict checklist before cleaning any house to know they have covered all areas of the house and have not left anything out. You must also do the same and make a checklist to stay organised and clean the whole house effectively. You should make a checklist of what rooms and areas you want to clean and whether you want to do a deep cleaning or just a regular cleaning and then organise your cleaning regime.

2. Create A Cleaning Caddy

The next step would be gathering your cleaning supplies and creating a cleaning caddy. This will prepare you to have all your supplies ready when you need to start cleaning. Your cleaning caddy should consist of:
  • Microfiber cloths
  • Sponges
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Squeegee
  • Bleach
  • Toilet brush
  • Mop
  • Vaccum
  • Spray bottles
  • Broom

3. Dust From The Top

Now that you have all your supplies and plan ready, you should start cleaning your house. You can do this in the following way:
  • Firstly, you should start by cleaning all the surfaces in your house with a microfiber cloth.
  • It would be best if you started from the top so that the dust can accumulate on the bottom and you don’t have to double work.
  • Dust all the ceiling fans, light fixtures, frames, shelves, cupboards, and tabletops.
  • Remember to clean all the hard-to-reach areas like behind the objects and in the corners so that there is no dust left anywhere. You can use a vacuum with an extender for the same.

4. Clean All The Fabric

Once you are done dusting the surfaces, Cleaning experts who offer budget end of lease cleaning Adelaide suggest that you now strip all the fabric of your furniture and bed and put it in the laundry. Straighten any pillows and cushions and put a new sheet on your bed.

5. Declutter Your House

Now, you should make sure that everything is in its proper order. Take a basket and start gathering all the things on the floor in each room, including the things that don’t belong. Once you have gathered everything, you can start placing them in the right area. You can involve your whole family in this and ask each member to put back things in a particular room so that it becomes easier for you to handle. This is especially a good tactic to use during spring cleaning and decluttering.

6. Wipe All Your Mirrors And Glass Surfaces

After tidying everything, you should clean your mirrors and glass surfaces. Professional bond cleaners suggest you can do this by spraying some vinegar and water on your mirrors and glass surfaces. Next, use a squeegee to wipe them clean and respray them if it needs more cleaning.

7. Scrub The Kitchen And The Bathroom

Now you must tackle the most difficult rooms: the kitchen and the bathroom. Firstly, start by wiping all the countertops, the sinks, the stovetop, the appliances, showerheads and bathtubs with a microfiber sponge dipped in vinegar. If these areas have a lot of mould and hard stains, you can sprinkle some baking soda, let it sit for twenty minutes, and then wipe it off. Next, as part of your step-by-step bathroom cleaning routine,  put some bleach in your toilet bowl for 20 minutes and in the meanwhile, wipe the sides with a wet cloth. You can also spray some baking soda on the sides to keep it clean. Lastly, flush the toilet and make sure you clean the top of the flush and behind the toilet as well for a sparkling bathroom.

8. Scrub All The Floors

Expert bond cleaners in Adelaide recommend that the last step in your cleaning regime should be to scrub and mop all your floors. You should start by using a broom or vacuum to get rid of any dust on your floors and remember to do it slowly so that you can get all the dust out. If there is any grout or mould in the house, you should put some baking soda on it for about 15-20 minutes and then scrub it with a brush. Next, put some vinegar and baking soda on your floors and mop them until they are clean. Repeat until all the floors are sparkling and clean.


Now that you have learnt the correct order to clean your homes, you can use this effectively and say hello to a neat and organised household.